Map of Jordan

updated 22.10.2020

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Jerash and the north
Jerash and the northJordan
The King’s Highway
The King’s HighwayJordan
The Dead Sea and Baptism Site
The Dead Sea and Baptism SiteJordan
Aqaba and the southern desert
Aqaba and the southern desertJordan
The eastern desert
The eastern desertJordan
See all Jordan places

Regions in Jordan

Fascinating, historic Jordan is the Middle East’s most enticing destination. Despite Jordan being about 85 percent desert, this in itself varies hugely; from the dramatic red sands and towering cliffs of the far south to the volcanic basalt in the east, and hills rich with olive trees to the north. Encounters with numerous civilisations have left Jordan with a rich tapestry of landmarks. Visitors are spoilt for choice, with imposing cliff-face cities, Roman ruins, Byzantine Mosaics, and Crusader castles, all present in this remarkable country.

Whether it is to sip coffee, feast on kebabs and falafel in Amman, explore the multitude of archeological sites and biblical landmarks or catch some rays near the warm waters of the Red Sea, our map of Jordan will help you plan the first steps towards your Middle Eastern adventure.

If you are planning to travel, check out Jordan itineraries, read more on the best places to go in Jordan, learn about getting there and where to stay once you are there.

Lottie Gross

written by
Lottie Gross

updated 22.10.2020