Although un mezzo (half-litre carafe of house wine) is a standard accompaniment to a meal, there’s not a great emphasis on dedicated drinking in Italy. Public drunkenness is rare, young people don’t devote their nights to getting wasted, and women especially are frowned on if they’re seen to be overindulging. Nonetheless there’s a wide choice of alcoholic drinks available, often at low prices. Soft drinks, crushed-ice drinks and, of course, mineral water are widely available.
Where to drink
Traditional bars are less social centers than functional places and are all very similar to each other – brightly lit places, with a counter, a coffee machine and a handful of tables. This is the place to come for a cappuccino in the morning, and a quick coffee or a drink in the afternoon – people don’t generally idle away evenings in bars. Indeed in some more rural areas it’s difficult to find a bar open much after 8pm.
It’s cheapest to drink standing at the counter, in which case you pay first at the cash desk (la cassa), present your receipt (scontrino) to the barperson and give your order. If there’s waiter service, just sit where you like, though bear in mind that this will cost up to twice as much as standing at the bar, especially if you sit outside (fuori) – the difference is shown on the price list as tavola (table). Late-night bars and pubs rarely operate on the scontrino system; you may be asked to pay up front, in the British manner, or be presented with a bill. If not, head for the counter when you leave – the barperson will have kept a surprisingly accurate tally.
Real enthusiasts of the grape should head for an enoteca, a dedicated wine bar, generally with a decent variety of wines available by the glass. Cities offer a much greater variety of places to sit and drink in the evening, with Italy’s larger metropolises such as Rome, Milan and Turin offering plenty of places with live music or DJs.
Coffee and tea
Always excellent, coffee can be taken small and black (espresso, or just caffè), which costs around €1 a cup, or white and frothy (cappuccino, for about €1.30), but there are scores of variations. If you want your espresso watered down, ask for a caffè lungo or, for something more like a filter coffee, an Americano; espresso with a drop of milk is a caffè macchiato; very milky is caffè latte or (in the south) latte macchiato (ordering just a “latte” will get you a glass of milk). Coffee with a shot of alcohol – and you can ask for just about anything – is caffè corretto. Many places also serve decaffeinated coffee; in summer you might want to have your coffee cold (caffè freddo).
If you’re not up for a coffee, there’s always tea. In summer you can drink this cold, too (tè freddo) – excellent for taking the heat off. Hot tea (tè caldo) isn’t’ very popular at all; it comes with lemon (con limone) unless you ask for milk (con latte). A small selection of herbal teas (infusion or tisane) are generally available: camomile (camomilla) and peppermint (menta) are the most common.
Soft drinks and water
There are various soft drinks (analcolici) to choose from. Slightly fizzy, bitter drinks like San Bittèr or Crodino are common, especially at aperitivo time. A spremuta is a fresh fruit juice, squeezed at the bar, usually orange, but sometimes lemon or grapefruit. There are also crushed-ice granitas, big in Sicily and offered in several flavors, available with or without whipped cream (panna) on top. Otherwise you’ll find the usual range of fizzy drinks and concentrated juices: the home-grown Italian version of Coke, Chinotto, is less sweet and good with a slice of lemon. Tap water (acqua del rubinetto) is quite palatable in some places, undrinkable in others: it’s perfectly safe to drink , though few Italians would dream of imbibing it. Mineral water (acqua minerale) is ubiquitous, and available both still (naturale, liscia or senza gas) and sparkling (frizzante or con gas).
Beer and spirits
Beer (birra) usually comes in one-third or two-third litre bottles, or on tap (alla spina), measure for measure more expensive than the bottled variety. A small beer is a piccola (20cl or 25cl), a larger one (usually 40cl) a media. The cheapest and most common brands are the Italian Moretti, Peroni and Dreher, all of which are very good; if this is what you want, either state the brand name or ask for birra nazionale or birra chiara – otherwise you could end up with a more expensive imported beer. You may also come across darker beers (birra nera, birra rossa or doppio malto), which have a sweeter, maltier taste and in appearance resemble stout or bitter.
All the usual spirits are on sale and known mostly by their generic names. There are also Italian brands of the main varieties: one of the country’s best brandies is Vecchia Romagna.
You’ll also find herb and fruit based alcoholic drinks – universally popular as apertivi, or pre-dinner drinks -- such as Campari and Aperol, usually drunk as a spritz, with prosecco, fizzy water and lemon. You might also try Cynar – an artichoke-based sherry often drunk as an aperitif with water.
There’s also a daunting selection of after dinner liqueurs. Amaro is a bitter after-dinner drink or digestivo; Amaretto much sweeter with a strong taste of almond; Sambuca a sticky-sweet aniseed concoction, traditionally served with a coffee bean in it and set on fire (though, increasingly, this is something put on to impress tourists). A shot of clear grappa is a common accompaniment to a coffee and can range from a warming palate-cleanser to throat-burning firewater, while another sweet alternative, originally from Sorrento, is limoncello, a lemon-based liqueur best drunk in a frozen vase-shaped glass. Strega is another drink you’ll see behind every bar, yellow, herb-and-saffron-based stuff in tall, elongated bottles: about as sweet as it looks but not unpleasant.
From sparkling prosecco to deep-red chianti, Italy is renowned for its wines. However, it’s rare to find the snobbery often associated with “serious” wine drinking. Light reds such as those made from the dolcetto grape are hauled out of the fridge in hot weather, while some full-bodied whites are drunk at near room temperature. In restaurants you’ll invariably be offered red (rosso) or white (bianco) – though rosé (rosato) is slowly becoming more available. The local stuff (vino sfuso) can be great or awful – there’s no way of telling without trying – but it is inexpensive, and you can always order just a glass or a quarter-litre (un quarto) to see what it’s like. Bottled wine is pricier but still very good value; expect to pay €9–20 a bottle in a mid-priced restaurant, and less than half that from a shop or supermarket. In bars you can buy a decent glass of wine for about €5.