Air & sea temperatures in Rome in July
In July, the air and sea temperatures in Rome are warm and pleasant. The average daily temperature in Rome in July usually ranges from 28°C to 33°C (82°F to 91°F). The city enjoys a sunny and warm climate, ideal for outdoor activities and sightseeing.
On the coast of Rome, sea temperatures in July are also pleasant, averaging 25 to 26°C (77 to 79°F). Although the water in the Mediterranean is not as warm as in some tropical countries, it is generally comfortable for swimming and water activities.
Traveling to Rome? Don't miss the opportunity to choose the best places to stay in the city.
Is Rome warm in July?
The weather in Rome in July is really warm. The city is usually warm and sunny this month, with average daily temperatures ranging from 28-33°C (82-91°F). This warm weather creates favourable and comfortable conditions for outdoor activities, sightseeing and exploring the city's attractions.
Evenings in July also remain pleasantly warm, allowing for al fresco dining, leisurely strolls and evening activities. The longer daylight hours allow you to explore Rome's attractions and cultural sites in greater detail.
However, keep in mind that July is a period of mass travelling, so the major sites and attractions can be crowded. To get the most out of your visit to Rome, plan your activities for early morning or late evening, when temperatures are a little cooler and crowds are smaller.
Rough Guides Tip: is July too hot and crowded for you? Perhaps September is more appealing to you.