Average rainfall in January
January falls during the dry season in Phuket, characterised by minimal rainfall. On average, there is a low amount of rainfall in this month, which contributes to the overall pleasant weather.
Overall you can expect sunny and dry weather in Phuket in January, making this month a great time to be active, relax on the beaches and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of the island without significant interruptions due to rain.
For more details on the weather in Thailand around the year, read up on when to go to Thailand.
What about the crowd & cost?
January in Phuket tends to be popular with tourists looking for a break from the cold climate in other countries. The weather in Phuket in January is favourable and contributes to the influx of tourists in the region. Consequently, you can expect a relatively large number of tourists at this time, resulting in a busier atmosphere.
In terms of cost, it is natural that an increase in tourist arrivals increases demand and leads to higher prices for accommodation, tours and other services. However, compared to the peak holiday season around Christmas and New Year, prices can be slightly more reasonable. To get better prices, it is recommended to book accommodation and excursions in advance.
Still deciding where to go this winter? Choose from the best destinations to travel to in January.