Average temperatures in Cartagena in March
With a tropical climate, the weather in Cartagena in March is warm, typically ranging from night-time lows of 24°C (75°F) to daytime highs of 30°C (86°F).
These averages are in line with temperatures experienced in January and February.
For comparison, April to June are more humid and slightly hotter, averaging 26°C (79°F) to 31°C (88°F).
Sitting at the end of the dry season, March still sees little rain. As in January and February, rainfall averages a mere 1mm (0.04 inches), in comparison with 206mm (8.11 inches) falling in October.
March also sees a moderate breeze, with increased humidity as the month moves towards the wet season that runs from late-April/May to November.
Editor’s tip: for a bigger picture of the weather, read up on the best time to visit Colombia.
What about the crowds and cost?
As mentioned above, March is shoulder season in Cartagena. For a bigger picture, these in-between periods run from February to April, and again from late-November to early-December.
During shoulder season months, expect more moderate prices for accommodation and tours than during peak season periods. These run from mid-December-January, and during Easter week.
On that subject, note that when Easter falls in March, you can expect the city to attract more visitors, and greater demand for accommodation, so it's best to book early.
If travelling for less is your main priority — and small crowds — consider visiting in the June-November low season, bearing in mind this is also rainy season.
Still not sure where to go? Discover some of the best places to visit in March.