4 weird articles that will make you smile

Michelle Bhatia

written by
Michelle Bhatia

updated 04.04.2020

As an antidote to the build up of stress you may be experiencing as uncertainty spreads across the globe, we’ve gathered together some articles that celebrate the odd and the downright bizarre. These made us smile – we hope they bring some warmth to your day too.

Weird America: 9 of the USA’s most bizarre traditions

Every country has its quirks and its idiosyncratic customs and America is no exception. You may have heard of Groundhog Day from the 1993 film of the same name, starring a deadpan Bill Murray. But there are some other rather unusual traditions, which tap into the bonkers in all of us, from Thanksgiving Presidential turkey pardoning, to roadkill cook-offs – and competitions involving hollerin’, chucking and spitting.

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In Delaware, you'll come across pumpkin chucking © Shutterstock

5 places to take your clothes off (without getting arrested)

Maybe it’s down to sheer wonder, but for some reason people seem compelled to strip off down to their birthday suit at World Heritage sites. While this might get you banged up in a cell, or at the least have you banned from baring a bottom there again – you might be pleased to learn that there are places around the world where getting your kit off is positively encouraged – and even necessary.

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10 of the world’s weirdest vending machines

You’re probably used to getting an emergency snack from a vending machine (and probably cursing when your favourite chocolate bar gets stuck). But you may not have realised that all kinds of offerings can be bought from these shop-in-a-box machines, from bananas to beer and live crabs, and even unique pieces of art.

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20 seriously weird places around the world

With travel options severely limited right now, the idea of visiting these unique places may seem like a pipe dream. But hey, we can still dream. From icing sugar-like thermal pools in Turkey, to the otherworldliness of giant hills in The Philippines, not to mention an island with more cats than people – these photos celebrate the beautiful and the strange in our natural world.

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Pamukkale in Turkey is breathtaking © Shutterstock

Header image: The Giant's Causeway, Ireland © Shutterstock

Michelle Bhatia

written by
Michelle Bhatia

updated 04.04.2020

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